Monday, January 25, 2010

Day of the Dead

Although the Day of the Dead or Dia de los Difuntos happened back in November, you're all aware that my 2009 blogging skills were a bit impaired. So, you're getting the post now!

At the beginning of November, Ecuadorians celebrate this holiday by heading to the cemeteries (which resemble apartment buildings for dead folks), cleaning the graves, decorating them with flowers and candles, and just spending the day close to their loved ones and "catching up" with the dead. Everyone also eats guagas de pan or bread babies, and colada morada or a thick, warm, dark purple drink. The guaguas represent the body of the deceased, while the coloda morada, which is made from blueberries, blackberries, pineapple, corn and a bunch of spices like cinnamon, cloves and lemon verbena, symbolizes the blood of the dead and the living. Some people also leave food at the grave sites, which goes back to an Incan tradition in which people would share food and anecdotes with the dead.

Enjoy the photos below.

"Here, vanity ends and equality begins"

Typical Ecuadorian cemetery

Decorating the graves


Typical grave

Childrens' graves

Family spending the day with the deceased

Baking guaguas

Guaguas de pan

Monday, January 18, 2010

Furry friends

Ecuadorians generally don't listen to Bob Barker. Very few pets are spayed or neutered and cats and dogs roam everywhere. The mostly black dog/bear featured here is named Capucho and belongs to Andy Hood, fellow Peace Corps volunteer. The other furry creatures are some of Capuchos friends from the neighborhood (San Pedro de Vilcabamba).

This post goes out to Doreen S; pet lover extraordinaire and owner of more cats, dogs, birds, and rodents than you can count on your fingers and toes. She sorely misses me jumping out from under her desk in NY, each time taking a year off her life due to the scare.


Deep Thought

Dog in the headlights

Lassie's Ecuadorian brother

Happy Dog

Scaredy Cat


King of the hill


Frozen Flight

Monday, January 11, 2010

A dash of color

New Year. New blog.

2009 was not a good year for my blog. Three posts over 365 days is pretty sad, I agree.

So, 2010 will be a whole new animal. Every week or two I'll post some photos I've taken for you to enjoy. Minimal text, lots to look at. A trip for your eyes.
